Departamento de Informática y Automática
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Linear Control System Design (LCSD)
LCSD (Linear Control System Design) is a free of charge interactive software tool for
analysis and design of SISO linear control systems with special emphasis on the classical loop shaping design methodology.
LCSD has a nice graphical user interface that allows:
Setting graphically the inputs.
Setting graphically the structure and parameters of the plant P, controller C, and prefilter F.
Setting graphically time and frequency specifications.
Designing graphically the controller C (loop shaping methodology).
Automatic checking of the fulfilment of the specifications.
Plotting the frequency response in Bode, Polar or Nichols diagram.
Plotting the root locus.
Plotting the time response.
The main features of LCSD are its simplicity, ease of use and interactive nature. Any action carried out on the screen is immediately reflected on all the graphs generated and displayed by the tool. This allows the user to visually perceive the effects of his or her actions.
LCSD has been developed with SYSQUAKE 6.0 by
José Manuel Díaz Martínez (UNED-DIA), and
Sebastián Dormido Bencomo (UNED-DIA).
[June 17, 2019].
A new compilation of LCSD is available for downloading. This compilation presents the following improvements:
- Detected bugs have been fixed.
[June 13, 2019].
A new compilation of LCSD is available for downloading. This compilation presents the following improvements:
- New structures for lead, lag, and lag-lead controllers have been implemented.
- Controller configuration in the Parameters Setting zone has been improved.
- Some minor aesthetic changes have been introduced.
- Detected bugs have been fixed.
[June 13, 2019].
LCSD User Guide has been updated.
[December 11, 2018].
A new compilation of LCSD is available for downloading. This compilation presents the following improvements:
- The size of the root locus/frequency response zone can be modified. Three sizes are allowed: small (key {1}), medium (key{2}), and large (key{3}).
- Legends are been included in the poles-zeros map and the root locus/frequency response. The user has the option to show/hide these legends.
- The maximum complementary sensitivity MT and maximum sensitivity MS specifications can also be configured by dragging.
- The actions on the interactive transfer function in the user-defined plant an the user-defined controller have been improved.
[December 11, 2018].
LCSD User Guide has been updated.
[July 27, 2017].
The article "An Interactive and Comprehensive Software Tool to Promote Active Learning in the Loop Shaping Control System Design" has been uploaded to the section Documentation.
[July 26, 2017].
A new compilation of LCSD is available for downloading. This compilation presents the following improvements:
- Time simulation is faster.
- Four new options have been added to allow the user to control the time simulation.
- An ideal derivative action for the PID controller has been implemented.
- Each action (proportional, integral and derivative) of the PID controller can be enabled or disabled individually.
- The poles and zeros of the plant and the controller can be modified in the root locus diagram.
- Two new keyboard shortcuts have been created: key {k} set all the figures to locked scale, and key {v} set all the figures to variable scale.
- The coordinates of the points in the time response or frequency response can be displayed.
[July 26, 2017].
LCSD User Guide has been updated.
[May 25, 2017].
LCSD User Guide has been updated.
[May 22, 2017].
A new compilation of LCSD is available for downloading. This compilation presents the following improvements:
- The upper limit of points in the frequency response has been increased from 500 to 2000.
- Information text in the interactive elements of the Bode diagram.
[April 27, 2017].
A new compilation of LCSD is available for downloading. This compilation presents the following improvements:
- Interactivity with the PID controller.
- Information text in the interactive elements of the root locus diagram.
If you find any bugs, or you have some doubt or suggestion in order to improve the tool, please send an e-mail to josema@dia.uned.es
If you want to receive an email when a new compilation of LCSD is available, send an e-mail to josema@dia.uned.es. You will be included in the news list of LCSD.
LCSD. Copyright © 2017 Jose Manuel Díaz - Sebastian Dormido
Last update: June 17, 2019